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Springtime News
Hello everybody, I am still on the road with triosence a lot. The tour is going well and you can follow our trip on...
COMPLETE MUSIC CAMP – Bandcamp Kassel 2013
Jetzt noch anmelden für das Bandcamp 2013 unter oder im Büro der Musikschule Söhre-Kaufunger Wald! 4 Tage Musikmachen Pur, von Profis gecoacht werden,...
Easter News…
Time goes by incredibly fast this year. I have been playing a lot with triosence and there are still many more shows to come....
tour, gigs and clinic update
The first shows with triosence are over and there many more to come in 2013. But besides that there will be clinics, camps, CD-releases...
triosence-website online
Hello everybody, just a short message... Please click and explore all new I think Thomas from Lockruf has done a wonderful job! Looking...
happy new year – previews 2013
Happy new year to all of you. There is an exciting year coming up and I am happy to announce some nice things, like...
merry christmas… and some news
Merry christmas and a happy new year. Stay healthy and happy and hopefully we meet at one of the upcoming events next year. In...
cold outside, music inside
Welcome back again. In November I had the chance to play with some awesome musicians, it started out with two shows with Gregor Meyle,...
Hello everybody, a lot of things happened and are happening right now. A. o. I have been playing with Edgar Knecht, Marquess, Sedaa and...