I have been busy working on a lot of different things the last couple of weeks: Workshops for Sonor and Sennheiser, Concerts with Ritmo Del Mundo, Sedaa, Marquess, Hamid Baroudi and a TV Show with Debbie Clarke, but also a very successful Bandcamp in Kassel and finished my studies in cultural management in Hannover.

The picture above is from a show with Marquess at the kite surf world cup in St. Peter Ording at the beautiful North Sea beach. We played there on July 7th and had a great view onto the audience as well as a beautiful sunset that evening.

But let me start from where I finished the last post. On May 12th I performed with Hamid Baroudi after a few months break at the World Music Festival in Kassel. It was a great night and I really enjoyed playing with the band and espacially Pape Seck, percussionist from Youssou N’dour and a fantastic musician. Here you can read an article about the concert. (in german ;-) )

On May 27th I played at ZDF-Fernsehgarten with Debbie Clarke. We were lucky to perform at a day with nice weather and people received the music very well. Currently her CD is climbing the charts and I am looking fwd. to what is coming up with her. Here you can watch the video on youtube (enjoy, although it’s playback :-) )
This is the band backstage in Mainz:

I also performed with Sedaa and Omid Bahadori and recorded drum- and percussiontracks for Sedaa’s next CD.It will be released later this year and we will play a CD release-concert in Hannover in September.

In between shows and teaching in May I was busy planing the Complete Music Camp – Bandcamp Kassel 2012. Together with Katja Friedenberg (Voice of Germany) we went through a couple of press-dates, interviews for Radio and Newspaper to gain participants for the camp. It took place from June 7th until 10th and was a great success. Looks like the date for 2013 will be June 29th – July 1st. Please check www.bandcamp-ks.de or the camp’s facebook-page for updates and the fixed date for 2013.
Here are some impressions from the camp:

Together with Mathias Reuter (Drumcircles Germany) I held a groove-coaching workshop at percussion+m in Kassel. This new concept about how groove works technically as well as mentally worked well and the participants are hungry for a second part…
Right after that I play with Nené Vásquez as Ritmo Del Mundo in Neustrelitz. Unfortunately the weather wasn’t as nice as we hoped, so only a few people saw our performance. It was great fun though and the people who attended the festival were happy.

After that I also played a clinic in Lohne, to present Sonor drums as well as their new Cajones. Great sounding I must say!
Besides playing I was part of the jury at Newcomer Contest Bavaria in Würzburg and continued teaching at IFM Osnabrück and music college hannover. Auditions for the next semesters took place and also examns at both schools. I am happy and very proud of my students!
We are currently in the process of mixing the triosence-recordings that took place at Rainbow Studios Oslo in April. Sounds great so far and I am looking fwd to the release and the tour afterwards. Mixing engineer is Klaus Genuit from Hansahaus Studios Bonn who recorded our last CD, too. There are already a couple of dates fixed for 2013, please take a look at my concert-dates.
With Edgar Knecht we just came back from an awesome tour to Romania. We played at Garana Jazz Festival amongst great Artists like John Scofield, Nils Petter Molvaer or Dave Holland. The trip was quite adventurous with lost baggage, closed hotels, delayed flights and crazy drivers, but the concert was a great success with standing ovations by almost 3000 people.Right now we are preparing the upcoming recording Session with Edgar Knecht’s Quartett. I really enjoy playing with my friend Toby Schulte again. (great drummer/percussionist)
Here are some impressions from Garana:

Next events after that are the Jazz & Rock Workshop in Salzgitter (with Frank Itt, Lars Hansen, Britta Rex, a.o.) at the end of July and the creativ drum camp with Jost Nickel and Moritz Müller in August (two of my favorite drummers!)

Now to something completely different:

During the last 9 months I studied cultural management at Leibniz University Hannover and received my certificate on June 23rd. I am really happy about it and learned a lot of great stuff like project management, finance, team coaching, time management, marketing, tax law, copyright, a.o.
So now I can call myself „certified cultural manager“, but next to that title it means I have more time to play the drums again, which I am happy about!

I wish you all a great sunny time and am looking fwd. to seeing you…

Bye, Stephan

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live on tour

  • 14.02.2025 - 16.02.2025 Workshop Wochenende – 5 Wege zu mehr Musikalität in Rendsburg , Nordkolleg
  • 28.02.2025 Redchild in Hamburg , Elbphilharmonie
  • 17.03.2025 Mulo Francel Quartett in Pullach , Tresor Vinum
  • 18.03.2025 Mulo Francel Quartett in Bad Aibling , Librano
  • 19.03.2025 Mulo Francel Quartett in Wawern , Ehem. Synagoge
  • 20.03.2025 Mulo Francel Quartett in Zwingenberg , Theater Mobile
  • 21.03.2025 Mulo Francel Quartett in Kassel , Kühn + Carter
  • 05.04.2025 Workshop in Nürnberg , Akustika Messen
  • 26.04.2025 Pop Meets Classic in Braunschweig , Volkswagenhalle
  • 05.05.2025 - 07.05.2025 Workshop in Rendsburg , Nordkolleg

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