video of the month

Here, in addition to the random videos on the right side, you will find a featured video with some information about its history.

Have fun…

Here is a video that was (kind of accidentally) shot during the soundcheck at a recording session at the Horus Sound Studio Hannover.

I hope you have fun with it. I kind of liked the vibe of it, that’s why I kept it…

please also check my youtube-channel.

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live on tour

  • 23.12.2024 Christmas Soul in Braunschweig , Wintertheater
  • 14.02.2025 - 16.02.2025 Workshop Wochenende – 5 Wege zu mehr Musikalität in Rendsburg , Nordkolleg
  • 28.02.2025 Redchild in Hamburg , Elbphilharmonie
  • 05.04.2025 Workshop in Nürnberg , Akustika Messen
  • 26.04.2025 Pop Meets Classic in Braunschweig , Volkswagenhalle
  • 05.05.2025 - 07.05.2025 Workshop in Rendsburg , Nordkolleg
  • 19.06.2025 - 22.06.2025 Complete Music Camp – KASSEL in Kassel , Sensenstein

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