LMA WBHello dear visitors of my webpage,

here is a little update on what happened the last couple of weeks and some previews of what’s to come. This post features news about triosence, gigs and studio sessions and I tell you a little bit about some recent camps and clinics. I hope you enjoy reading and I would be happy about some comments and „likes“ here or at my facebook-page. The picture on the left is from a recording session in Wolfenbüttel for Pour L’Amour with Kai Thomsen, Peter Schwebs, Modo Bierkamp and Sabine Roth. The CD will also feature Bernhard from triosence and will be released and presented live in January 2014.
This was my setup for the drum-recording…
Setup Studio LMA

and for the percussion overdubs…
Percussion Set LMA

The last months have been really busy with triosence, we toured all over Germany and Austria to present our latest CD „turning points“, we played concerts, visited radio stations and played a concert in Klagenfurt which was transmitted via live stream through an austrian radio station. We drove thousands of miles and saw a lot of cool places we had never been before. But most of all we met beautiful people and had great audiences throughout every show. Please follow us on facebook or visit triosence’s website to stay updated on what we do. Here are a couple of impressions from the tour:

We travelled by car, tourbus and train…

Found nice places to hang in between shows…

We played big clubs like the Domicil in Dortmund…

the Kulturscheune in Lüneburg…

and famous jazz clubs like the Unterfahrt in Munich…

and really small venues.

This is my tour-setup:

Shows to come are Jazzfestivals in Kronach and Hiddensee as well as couple of shows after a little summer break in Vellmar, Loshausen, Vöhl and more.
We also received very nice reviews and had features in STERN magazine, Drums & Percussion, iDrum and many more. Thanks so much for liking what we do!!!

Besides the work with triosence I played a couple of drumclinics at Swiss Drum Academy, Musik Ahrends, taught at Drumday Mannheim, Jazz & Rock workshop Salzgitter and Complete Music Camp in Kassel. Here are some impressions of these events and a video of o drumsolo at Musik Ahrends.
But first I want to thank everybody who made the events possible: LA Music Academy, Sonor Drums, Swiss Drum Academy, Udo Dahmen at Popakademie Mannheim, where I will be teaching a little bit in fall 2013, the Ahrends family, Ralli Lewitzki and my friends and colleagues: It is a pleasure to work with you!

Popakademie Mannheim Drumday:

Drumday Udo Dahmen

Setup for Drumday



Drumsolo at Musik Ahrends:

Jazz & Rock Workshop Salzgitter:

Dozentenkonzert w. Rolf Zielke, Uwe Granitza, Lars Hansen, uva. (C) ISABEL BRANDIS


Complete Music Camp – Kassel:

Bandcamp Abschlusskonzert (C) TINA GASSMANN




Right now I am recording in my studio for Zarko Pak and Jochen Ross, help organize the clinic tour in Germany for Ralph Humphrey and prepare gigs with Edgar Knecht, Gregor Meyle, Christina Lux as well as the Berlin Drum Week in August.

But I am also looking fwd. to having a couple of days off soon :-)

Sunny greetings,


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live on tour

  • 20.09.2024 Fresh Music Live in Palma De Mallorca , privat
  • 21.09.2024 - 22.09.2024 Dresdner Drum and Bass Festival in Dresden , Festival
  • 28.09.2024 Janine Sauer + Band in Bad Liebenstein , Comödienhaus
  • 04.10.2024 Konstantin Septinus in Hannover , Pavillion
  • 12.10.2024 Workshop in Kassel , Percussion + M
  • 19.10.2024 Workshop in Maintal , Drumstation
  • 01.11.2024 Nu Hussel Orchestra in Hamburg , Hamburg School of Music
  • 02.11.2024 Stephanie Lottermoser in Nordhausen , Rabazz Jazzfestival
  • 23.12.2024 Christmas Soul in Braunschweig , Wintertheater
  • 14.02.2025 - 16.02.2025 Workshop Wochenende – 5 Wege zu mehr Musikalität in Rendsburg , Nordkolleg

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