Dear visitor, thank you for coming back to my website. In this post you will read about Gregor Meyle, triosence, Christina Lux, Edgar Knecht, Christoph Busse as well as the Berlin Drum Week and more. The picture on the left is from our show at Kulturzelt Kassel with Edgar Knecht Quartet. It was a sold out concert with more than 750 people in the audience, great vibes and most intense CD-signing ever. Edgar’s CD/ LP „Dance on deep Water“ is out via Ozella Music and reached the top30 media control jazz charts in Germany.

This is a promotional video for the CD:

and this is how the CD looks like:
Edgar Cover


Another CD that has just been released is „The Little Blue“ by Christoph Busse with Omar Rodriguez Calvo on bass, Nené Vásquez on percussions and me on drums. The quartet will play its first concert in Hamburg on October 22nd at Hanse CD. This is the CD’s cover:


Together with Christina Lux and Dominik Krämer we played at an open air festival in Bremen in July and this is a little video from the concert. I hope you enjoy it:

Also in July I was on tour with Gregor Meyle and we played a nice concert in the beautiful tuscany in Italy. There are couple of shows coming up, like a concert in Berlin and a workshop Hannover. And on September 21st Christina Lux and Gregor Meyle will both be performing at Lakewood Guitar Festival in Giessen. I am happy to accompany both of them that day.

Cave 61

The tour with triosence is almost over, there are only a few shows left this year. The last concerts were a lot of fun, including festival concerts in Vellmar and Loshausen and club concerts in Hiddensee, Heilbronn and in Vöhl at my favorite café „Cafe Castaneda“. The past 65 concerts were a great success and we are happy about the great time we had on tour. Please stay tuned at our website or via facebook for upcoming news (like some cool video-material to come)

I really enjoyed teaching at Berlin Drum Week and am happy that I met great students and fellow drummers. Here you can find a couple of inpressions from Berlin: . I was mostly impressed by Ash Soan’s performance. His style, sound and groove blew me away. Please check him out!

Together with Dirk Erchinger I arranged a clinic tour for our former teacher Ralph Humphrey. The events went well and I was really happy to bring him over to Germany, since he was and still is a very big influence on my playing.

Stephan, Ralph & Dirk

Upcoming is the Complete Music Camp in Hamburg, taking place from October 6-10. Please check this video and if you like it, spread the word and share it with your friends!

If you had the chance to read the last issues of german drum magazines you could have found articles about the Drumday Mannheim and the Berlin Drum Week. Thanks to Sticks, Drums & Percussion and Drumheads for their kind words and their great work. Support them, buy their magazines!

Besides all that I was teaching at Popakademie Mannhein and Music College Hannover. The students in Hannover played a fantastic show on their graduation concert and I wish them the best of luck for their musical future. The semester at IFM Osnabrück starts at the end of September and I am looking fwd. to a couple of cool new courses.

Take care and hope to see you soon! Please check my tourdates…




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live on tour

  • 14.02.2025 - 16.02.2025 Workshop Wochenende – 5 Wege zu mehr Musikalität in Rendsburg , Nordkolleg
  • 28.02.2025 Redchild in Hamburg , Elbphilharmonie
  • 17.03.2025 Mulo Francel Quartett in Pullach , Tresor Vinum
  • 18.03.2025 Mulo Francel Quartett in Bad Aibling , Librano
  • 20.03.2025 Mulo Francel Quartett in Zwingenberg , Theater Mobile
  • 21.03.2025 Mulo Francel Quartett in Kassel , Kühn + Carter
  • 05.04.2025 Workshop in Nürnberg , Akustika Messen
  • 26.04.2025 Pop Meets Classic in Braunschweig , Volkswagenhalle
  • 05.05.2025 - 07.05.2025 Workshop in Rendsburg , Nordkolleg
  • 19.06.2025 - 22.06.2025 Complete Music Camp – KASSEL in Kassel , Sensenstein

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