Loop Library online

I am very happy that the results of our library sessions are going online bit by bit. If you’re a producer, creating drum beats, or are looking for some drums for your arrangement, Image Sounds is the place for you: https://www.imagesounds.com/?filter_cat_2=57

In addition to several drum loop libraries (Reggae, Pro Drums Rock, Funk), there are also percussion files online. Check them out and feel free to use them.

All of the loops are multitrack files recorded by engineer and producer Arne Neurand (Guano Apes, Revolverheld) and were played in the famous drum room of Horus Studio in Hannover.

And if you like these grooves, I just might be the right drummer for your next recording session :-)

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live on tour

  • 14.02.2025 - 16.02.2025 Workshop Wochenende – 5 Wege zu mehr Musikalität in Rendsburg at Nordkolleg
  • 28.02.2025 Redchild in Hamburg at Elbphilharmonie
  • 17.03.2025 Mulo Francel Quartett in Pullach at Tresor Vinum
  • 18.03.2025 Mulo Francel Quartett in Bad Aibling at Librano
  • 19.03.2025 Mulo Francel Quartett in Wawern at Ehem. Synagoge
  • 20.03.2025 Mulo Francel Quartett in Zwingenberg at Theater Mobile
  • 21.03.2025 Mulo Francel Quartett in Kassel at Kühn + Carter
  • 05.04.2025 Workshop in Nürnberg at Akustika Messen
  • 26.04.2025 Pop Meets Classic in Braunschweig at Volkswagenhalle
  • 05.05.2025 - 07.05.2025 Workshop in Rendsburg at Nordkolleg

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