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balance between diversity and creativity
Life as a musician can be very diverse and colorful.
Sometimes this diversitiy includes tight schedules and requires a flexibility to dive into each project’s or job’s own world within no time.
This can be mentally and phisically very challenging and at cost of your own creativity.
My medicine against this stress is relaxation, strict days off, but also having continuous projects that involve my own heart and soul like Planting Robots or the Complete Music Camps.
I spent the last weeks doing a lot of different things, like touring, rehearsing and recording with triosence (see my last post).
In August Martin Ziaja, musical director of The Voice of Germany liveshows, invited me to play for the TV show So!Muncu! that features one of the most controversial comedians in Germany, Serdar Somuncu, who turns out to be a very good singer, too.
One of my favorite drummers, Wim de Vries from the Drumbassadors, asked me to sub on one of his bands, the Marcus Schinkel trio that plays jazz versions of Beethoven tunes. Very challenging, but very tasteful music, too. The weekend spent with Marcus, bassist Fritz Roppel and singer Aniko Kanthak turned out to be a lot of fun and to be very creative. I highly recommend checking out their music. Marcus is a virtuoso on the piano, who also has a lot of humor in his playing, which I really dig!
In my case being a musician includes teaching, too, which I really enjoy doing. So there were lessons to give, tests to prepare and students to be evaluated. I also rewrote some material that are part of the curriculum at music college hannover.
So there was diversity for sure… so somehow I needed to put some Yin to my Yang to get into balance again.
Besides enjoying time off, spending time with the family, moving office times to a nearby coffee store, doing sports, going for walks in the late summer sun in Germany, I was happy to spend some time working for projects that not only take, but instead give me back energy.
Like my own group Planting Robots; the final mixing sessions took place, but also experimenting on and exploring new areas, like creating a CD cover and thinking about how this band will be coming to life in 2017. Thanks to Ingo and Dirk for having the courage to start a new band at our age :-) and being as enthusiastic as teenagers. Please follow our work here:
I also spent some time preparing for the upcoming complete music camps in Kassel and Hamburg. This preparation includes many things besides thinking about what to teach there. From graphic design to arranging the schedules, from talking to sponsors to inviting this year’s patrons Felicitas Woll and the Hannover based pop group Marquess.
I am very grateful for the life I live, the people I meet and the continuous support of my family!