The second of three videos for MEINL Percussion is now onlne

I am very happy to present the second song we recorded at this wonderful session for Meinl Percussion. In this tune the focus was to create a unique atmosphere by using an Ocean Drum and a water loop created with Ableon Live.

I try to give the whole song a complete hybrid approach of drums, percussion and electronics and let it simmer for a long time on low flame but with intensity.

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live on tour

  • 14.02.2025 - 16.02.2025 Workshop Wochenende – 5 Wege zu mehr Musikalität in Rendsburg at Nordkolleg
  • 28.02.2025 Redchild in Hamburg at Elbphilharmonie
  • 17.03.2025 Mulo Francel Quartett in Pullach at Tresor Vinum
  • 18.03.2025 Mulo Francel Quartett in Bad Aibling at Librano
  • 19.03.2025 Mulo Francel Quartett in Wawern at Ehem. Synagoge
  • 20.03.2025 Mulo Francel Quartett in Zwingenberg at Theater Mobile
  • 21.03.2025 Mulo Francel Quartett in Kassel at Kühn + Carter
  • 05.04.2025 Workshop in Nürnberg at Akustika Messen
  • 26.04.2025 Pop Meets Classic in Braunschweig at Volkswagenhalle
  • 05.05.2025 - 07.05.2025 Workshop in Rendsburg at Nordkolleg

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