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podcast about world-music
I am very delighted to join the Sunset Productions Podcast for the second time. This episode was about world-music. Apart from some other fun content, it was especially enjoyable to talk about my experiences as a drummer in different world music bands.
My career in world music lies a bit in the past, but for about 10 years I was on tour or in the studio with artists like Hamid Baroudi (Algeria), Ritmo Del Mundo (Venezuela), Sounds of Saba (Ethiopia), Seeda (Mongolia), Omid Bahadori (Iran), Maryam Akhondy (Iran), Mohammed Mounir (Egypt), Music for Life (multinational), Pape Samory Seck (Senegal), Rhani Krija (Morocco), etc.
Here you can find the podcast. It is in GERMAN language only. Sorry about that.